Semi-private personal training

In-person coaching

online coaching

basketball s&c

What You Get

Embarking on a fitness journey can be daunting, but with the guidance of a personal trainer, you gain access to a wealth of benefits that can transform your approach to health and wellness. Here’s a breakdown of what you can expect to gain from personal training.


Semi-private personal training

Semi-private” training means you’re in a specific time slot with up to 3 other clients.
Everyone is doing their own individualized program, but the coaching is spread out among the clients in the session.
This makes semi-private training more affordable than doing 1-on-1 training, yet still getting the same individualized attention and programming as you would in 1-on-1 training.
It’s rare that I have openings for semi-private training, but you’re welcome to get on my waitlist in the meantime and I will touch base with you to see if there are any other ways I can help you out in the meantime.

in-person coaching

The same great benefits of semi-private training, but you’ve got my undivided attention during our 60 minute session together.

I might have openings for this at the time you see this, so go ahead and apply for 1-on-1 Personal Training by clicking the “Apply Now” button below and I’ll get back to within 48 hours.

Full assessment via Zoom to determine needs, goals, movement limitations and abilities so that a program that is truly custom made to your needs & goals is created

Monthly custom program designed based on needs, goals, and progress. Workouts are delivered via the COVAL Coaching app

Daily habits and accountability to help you shed fat, build lean muscle, and boost your energy levels all delivered through the COVAL Coaching app where you will be interacting with me

Online Coaching

Basketball players -strength and conditioning

Basketball is a passion of mine.
It has been for a very long time.
I grew up making a TON of mistakes with my on-court development which wasn’t specific to only the things that I was doing on the court.
Off-the-court I was lifting every day, not eating enough, not sleeping enough, and carrying around a very poor mindset that wasn’t conducive to me being the best athlete that I could be.

After all the struggles and injuries endured in high school, I lost my love for playing the game.

During that time though I went to college and learned about anatomy, physiology, biomechanics, and much more regarding athlete performance. I would start with my learning in the class and then would continue to search for more beyond the classroom after obtaining my Bachelors of Science in Exercise Science.

I’ve bridged the gap of understanding the ins and outs of athletic performance and applying it to developing basketball players off-the-court.

success stories

“Mike’s approach is genuine, blending accountability with a low-pressure style. COVAL accommodates busy schedules, providing detailed guidance without overwhelming. The investment in health and fitness pays off, and the money-back guarantee reflects confidence in the program’s effectiveness. Give it a try – your well-being and family benefit repeatedly.”

Jonah L.

Senior Associate Director

“With Mike’s authentic and organized coaching, COVAL suits my new parent schedule. His detailed guidance is manageable, providing accountability without pressure. Investing in this program means investing in long-term health benefits for both yourself and your family. Try it; the money-back guarantee speaks to its success.”

Jinga Low

Director of Sales